Lucid Study
Lucid Study

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Lucid Study
Primary Education
Primary Education

Primary Education (Primary School)

Primary school is the first step in a child's formal education. It's a critical educational milestone where students develop literacy and numeracy skills.

Through interactive and engaging lessons, Lucid Study connects your child with the right Tutor to help you build that foundation.

Secondary Education
Secondary Education

Secondary Education (High School)

Secondary school education is a key step in any student’s academic journey.

Securing a high-quality education during this time period is essential for success in college and beyond. At Lucid Study, we provide students with supplemental tutoring services, to further ensure success in secondary school. Our tutors have experience in a variety of subjects and are knowledgeable on the latest educational trends.

Tertiary Education
Tertiary Education

Tertiary Education

Tertiary education is an important stage that helps you gain qualifications in their chosen field or skill set and can include diploma and certificate programs, as well as bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees.

Our experienced tutors have expertise in a variety of different subjects and will give you the guidance and support you need to reach your educational goals.

Language Education


Lucid Study offers comprehensive language learning experiences. Tutors engaging with you through conversations adapted to your needs, teaching cultural and linguistic aspects of the language.

Whether your goal is to learn a language for travel, to improve conversational and writing skills, or to prepare for language exams, language tutoring on Lucid Study can help them become proficient.

Accounting Tutors Adult Education Tutors Aerospace Engineering Tutors Afrikaans Tutors Art Tutors Beauty Therapy Tutors Biomedical Sciences Tutors Business studies Tutors Chemistry Tutors Civil Engineering Tutors Communication and journalism Tutors Computer application technology Tutors Computer science Tutors Cooking Tutors Crafts Tutors Creative arts Tutors Economic and management science Tutors Economics Tutors Education Tutors Education Learning Tutors Engineering graphic and design Tutors English Tutors English conversational Tutors English language Tutors English Language and Literature Tutors English literature Tutors Finance Tutors Food Science and Technology Tutors Geography Tutors Hairdressing Tutors Health and Fitness Tutors History Tutors History:African and western history Tutors Human Geography Tutors Humanities and Social Sciences Tutors Languages Tutors Life orientation Tutors Life Sciences Tutors Mathematical literacy Tutors Mathematics Tutors Medicine Tutors Natural Science Tutors numeracy Tutors Physical science Tutors Physics Tutors Psychology Tutors Social Sciences Tutors Technology Tutors Tourism Tutors Writing Tutors Zulu Tutors